Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Details details

To know you like your tongue knows the back of your teeth. That's all I want. - Iain Thomas via I Wrote This For You

That's an interesting desire, but you have to think about that. To know someone that well, that in depth, would get boring over time. Knowing someone that intimately, where you learn nothing new of them from that point on, would be stagnant. I much prefer learning something new every time I interact with people. To be constantly surprised and amazed by someone even after knowing them for years. That is the goal. That is the prize. Knowing every detail of someone's life is intimate, not because you know the details, but because of why you know them. It is the learning of those details, the sharing, the connection that you form over a period of time that matters. The details themselves are inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.


  1. Every day I learn something new about my husband. Sometimes it is exciting, sometimes frustrating, but always enlightening. I don't think I will ever comepltetely know him, and he will never completely know me, and that is so wonderful, to be unified as one person and also distinctly separate.

  2. Thanks for reinforcing that Kitty. I can only hope to one day know someone as well as you know "The Husband".
